
Taobuk Festival


Social media manager; Graphic design; Motion graphic.


Podcast, Social, Video

Una settimana a Taormina per comunicare sui social il Taobuk Festival
Eravamo in 5: un social media manager a coordinare il piano editoriale con la direzione del festival, l’ufficio stampa e i fotografi, due copy a seguire i numerosi incontri, documentare scrivere e pubblicare, un video social per i Daily e il video-podcast e un fotografo nostro a rendicontare con le immagini il nostro lavoro.

Tantissimi ospiti. Moltissime parole. Un indescrivibile Teatro Antico. Infiniti gradi centigradi percepiti.

Grazie Taobuk!

A week in Taormina to communicate on social media about the Taobuk Festival.
There were 5 of us: a social media manager to coordinate the editorial plan with the festival management, press office and photographers, two copywriters to follow the many meetings, document writing and publishing, a social video for the Daily and video-podcasts, and a photographer of our own to account for our work with pictures.

Lots of guests. Lots of words. An indescribable Ancient Theater. Infinite degrees centigrade felt.

Thank you Taobuk!